


The Department of Mathematics headed by a Professor in Mathematics with a faculty strength of 20 strives hard for excellence ever since its inception. Many of the faculty have obtained their doctorates from reputed institutions in India. Among them Fifteen are doctorates, Five are pursuing doctoral degrees and One submitted their thesis. Faculty continue to guide and conduct research in the field of stochastic models, Differential Equation, Formal languages, Graph Theory and Fuzzy Graphs etc. The Department of Mathematics caters to the needs of Engineering Departments. Over the years since inception of the College, the Department has grown in tune with the demands of the Institution and improved its strength. As of today, the Department handles the Mathematics papers for M.E and M.B.A in addition to the UG courses. Besides Engineering Mathematics, the Department handles advanced and specialized papers like Algebra and Number Theory, Linear Algebra, Statistics for Management, Probability and Statistics, Probability and Queuing Theory, Random Processes and Discrete Mathematics. The Department is involved in training students for placement rightfrom the first year.

   The Department of Mathematics is committed to guide, help and motivate students to actively participate and gain excellence through “Mathematics Club” where events like Quiz, Debugging, Cross Words, Puzzles, Symposia, Seminars, Paper Presentation and other competitions related to Mathematics are conducted.


The Department has highly qualified faculty and excellent infrastructure conducive to excellence in the field of English Language Teaching. It has gradually grown and is recognized as one of the finest departments of English in engineering institutions in the country. As a department with a good reputation for research, teaching, and individual growth, most of the faculties have specialized qualifications in English Language Teaching (ELT) and Literature from the institute of repute in India. The department has a well-equipped Language Lab in an air-conditioned environment. It has adequate software to provide hands-on training to students in speaking, listening,reading, and writing skills. The English lab aims at preparing students for Anna University Exams apart from enabling self-learning.

  The department offers 2 theory courses in the first year of B.Tech/B.E and many lab courses across all branches of Engineering in varied semesters. The department has a special position amidst the student community for the initiatives it takes to promote the communication skills and personality development of the students through activities outside the curriculum. One of them is the ‘Non-formal English Club’ an initiative designed to cater to the needs of the rural students. This club conducts events for the benefit of students to improve their personality traits as well as communication skills. Besides, the department supports extracurricular activities like ‘English Club’, ‘and Model UN (MUN). At the entry-level, the proficiency levels of all the first- year students are assessed and training in English is offered with professional experts from outside the institution.


  • Endeavors to the highest standards of excellence in teaching and learning.

  • Strives hard to reach great heights in being a source for the promotion of Problem solving and Logical reasoning.

  • Enhance Analytical abilities and Language proficiency by utilizing modern technology. 

  • Focus towards attaining over all development of students.


  • Develop strategies to train students, increase student success and enhance the skills of students by initiating a dialog with the department concerning collaborative efforts.

  • Secure a pass percentage of 95% in the University Examinations. 


The Department of Science is functioning from the inception of College. The Department comprises of twenty four well experienced, highly qualified and dedicated faculty members with specialisation in various disciplines of Physics and Chemistry. Twenty two of the faculty members have obtained their doctoral degrees and Two faculty members are pursuing their doctoral degree. The department of Physics and Chemistry has successfully acquired the status of Research Centre. The department has well established and fully equipped laboratories to accommodate seventy five students at a time. The excellent laboratory infrastructural facilities are enhancing the students’ practical skills and are providing hands on experience on analytical instruments.


The Department of Science strives to mould the students to the best of their ability to develop their knowledge in basic science required for a budding engineer, to compete and contribute to industry and research. The department hopes to train the young engineers to excel in scientific thinking and logical reasoning.


  • To create awareness of the potentials of Science and scope of its applications to the diversified areas of engineering and technology in industries and research.

  • To secure pass percentage of above 95% results in university examinations.

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