Total no.of volumes in Central Library- 46,073
Our Central Library is extended over 25,000 sq.feet of fully air Conditioned building with architectural elevation. It contains 46,073 volumes of books (Reference books & Text Books) Encyclopaedia: 148 volumes ,152 National Journals and more than 570 Ejournals
Online Journals Section
IEEE online
Science direct
The Central Library is equipped with 3402 Computer Compact Discs and NPTEL video courses.Our modernized Library has a Pentium LAN Server with 26 terminals by which issues and returns are carried out. Students and staff members can search for the books, authors, titles or subject headings with the availability of AUTOLIB Software. Also, we have subscribed to MALIBNET (Madras Library Networks) and DELNET (Developing Library Networks) through which we can access the library in and around Chennai city and India. Each student is given 6 library books and 7 Books from Book Bank from the first year itself. From Second Semester onwards, top 10 students of each and every class, on the basis of the previous semester University Examinations mark, can avail further 6 books from the central library. We have made one hour as compulsory library hour for a class in a week which helps them to understand the necessity and utility of the library. Educational cassettes & VCD's are also screened frequently in consultation with the faculty for the students during the library hours.